German Dog Tag of a Wehrmacht soldier from the Fahr Ersatz Abteilung 1 (Pferdebespannt) which means "Vehicle Replacement Regiment 1". The soldier had Bloodgroup "O".
The Vehicle Replacement Regiment 1 was part of the "Ersatztruppen" (replacement troops). The vehicle replacement Regiment 1 was founded on 26 August 1939 in Bartenstein, Wehrkreis I (Allenstein). The Regiment came under Division 151. The Regiment was formed by renaming Regiment 14.
In September 1940, the regiment was moved to Pibrans. A short time later, around October 1940 the regiment was relocated again, this time to Klatovy in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. On 27 Juli 1941 the regiment moved back to Bartenstein. From 24 September 1942 the regiment was part of Division 461. On 30 September 1942 the regiment was devided between Vehicle Spare Division I and Drive Training Division I. On April 1943, the two departments for Vehicle Replacement and Training Division I merged. In January 1945, the Regiment was virtually destroyed at Bartenstein and disbanded. The remains were apparently the 325th Infanterie-Division. According to the DRC, she had 64 missing persons reported. The alternate functions of the department were taken over by the vehicle replacement Division 10 in Neumuenster.
The German dog tags were marked with the abbrevations of the unit that the soldier originally joined. Therefore, when a soldier was assigned to another regiment, tags with the regiment the soldier originally was assigned to could turn up in places where the unit on the tag was never deployed to. The dog tags had numeral fonts and were mostly horizontal mirrored, but sometimes they were not, this is propably because many dog tags where also made on location during battle when new reinforments troops would replace the dead and wounded. The dog tags were never made from stainless steel, mostly out of aluminium and sometimes out of zinc.
